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Memento Vivere

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Memento Vivere

“Memento Vivere” is an interactive light and 3D pen installation. The piece measures 155 x 85 x 80 cm.


The installation consists of a series of electroluminescent cables that are situated within a skull structure built using 3D pen. The cables form a connected object, made of Arduino technology, which responds to the interactions of its spectators. Different cables and sectors of the installation light up according to stimuli in its environment.


This multidisciplinary project was developed in collaboration with Dr. Frederick Van Gestel, a neuroscience researcher at UZ Brussel. This piece was first initiated through research funding provided by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. In August 2022, Memento Vivere was loaned to the non-profit organization Biohacking Village, to be installed at the DEF CON Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.


